The End of the World at Lee Abbey in Devon

Over the last two years, there seems to have been a heightened interest in certain circles in discussion of the ‘end times’—and there is no doubt that this will continue. Many Christians don’t know how to respond to or engage with this, and without a better understanding of what the New Testament says, unhelpful and misleading ideas can easily take hold.

I will be leading a teaching week at Lee Abbey in Devon from Monday 2nd May to Friday 6th May this year, and you can book on the website here.

During the week, we will be covering the obvious questions, but also looking more carefully at what the New Testament actually teaches—and discovering that this issue is even more important than we realised! We will be looking at:

  • the language of ‘this age and the age to come’ and ‘the last days’ in the New Testament;
  • the critical passages of Mark 13 and Matthew 24 and what they are all about;
  • controversial issues that are now prominent, including the ‘rapture’, the ‘tribulation’ and the ‘antichrist’—whether they are in the Bible, and what they really mean;
  • a brief introduction to how we should read the Book of Revelation, including working out the number of the beast (!);
  • exploring why a correct understanding of ‘living in the end times’ is actually important for making sense of prayer, healing, the sovereignty of God, and what it means to be a follower of Jesus.

For background on these questions, you might be interested in my Grove booklet, Kingdom, Hope and the End of the World.

Lee Abbey is a beautiful place for a teaching retreat, and in fact the teaching sessions will only take up part of the day. There are beautiful places to walk; Lee Abbey has its own beach; and there will be the opportunity to engage in other activities laid on during the week.

We have had a long association with the community, including taking our children there regularly when they were younger. If you have not been, you really should visit—or you are missing out! It really is a wonderful place.

Come and join me for a stimulating, enlightening, and refreshing week in May!

(The picture above is an evening view from the house down to the beach and coast at Lee Bay.)

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4 thoughts on “The End of the World at Lee Abbey in Devon”

  1. Dear Ian,
    Great news about your lee Abbey teaching week in May – I aim to be there!
    The most evangelical members of my church have sallowed the Rapture with all its bells and whistles and I need the hermeneutic insights and Biblical insights that will enable me to minister to them positively and constructively.
    One practical question. I live (as you remember) in N. Devon just down the road from Lee Abbey, so I gather from LA that I’ll be able to attend as a day visitor for a vastly reduced fee.
    Do you know whether your teaching sessions will be 10 till one (which is what they are expecting) or whether you will be doing any afternoon or evening teaching sessions as well as the morning ones? This will have a significant bearing on my movements and costs.
    Looking forward to hearing you, and from you,
    Yours in Christ,
    Martin Walker (Rector of Wiveliscombe and resident of Combe Martin)

  2. Now that’s a title for an article:


    God said that we wouldn’t know the day or the hour – but I don’t recall him saying that we wouldn’t know the place.

    As someone who benefited from your recent last days online seminar I hope it goes well.


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