Why plant churches?

Dr Christian Selvaratnam is Dean at St Hild College in Yorkshire and founder of the Centre for Church Planting. He has just written a Grove booklet on Why Plant Churches? and I was able to ask him about some of the remarkable impact of church planting. IP: I was amazed to read how important church planting has … Continue Reading

What is the ideal size for a church?

One of the fringe meetings at a previous session of the General Synod a couple of years ago focussed on the needs of ‘mid-sized churches’, in this case defined as worshipping communities of 20 to 60. The reason for this was a question that William Nye, Secretary General of Synod and the Archbishops’ Council, had … Continue Reading

How big should churches be?

Two years ago, one of the fringe meetings at July’s session of the General Synod focussed on the needs of ‘mid-sized churches’, in this case defined as worshipping communities of 20 to 60. The reason for this was a question that William Nye, Secretary General of Synod and the Archbishops’ Council, had raised: Without meaning … Continue Reading

Can the C of E plant new churches and retain the parish system?

There has been a rather heated debate in the last few weeks about new church-planting initiatives in the Church of England, particularly with recent reporting of an initiative called Myriad, and its partnership with the Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication. The Gregory Centre describes itself in these terms: The Gregory Centre for Church Multiplication supports … Continue Reading